Group coaching for Highly Sensitive People

Join my HSP group coaching program and step into the power of your sensitivity with empowering HSP therapy

Welcome to our circle of Highly Sensitive People

Hi, I’m Dr. Elayne Daniels, a Yale-trained psychologist with a passion for helping Highly Sensitive People like you (and like me!) to flourish. This program is tailored for highly sensitive midlife women who often feel overwhelmed and misunderstood. Have you been told you’re “too much” or “too sensitive”? Do you struggle with setting boundaries, feeling overwhelmed, and maintaining healthy relationships? If you’re ready to transform these experiences into sources of strength and empowerment, this online group coaching program is for you.

What is the HSP group coaching program?

My HSP group coaching program is a guided, 12-week journey designed to empower Highly Sensitive People to thrive. Conducted via Zoom and limited to just 8 participants per session, this program offers personalized therapeutic support and strategies to help you leverage your sensitivity as a strength, improve your self-esteem, foster healthier relationships, and much more.

Learn how to live your best life as an HSP with online group coaching.

All sessions are hosted online via Zoom, making it accessible from the comfort of your home or any place you find peaceful. Each session is recorded for your convenience, allowing you to revisit the material or catch up if you miss a live session. Plus, you can join our vibrant Facebook community for ongoing support and connection beyond the weekly sessions.

Is this the right HSP program for you?

Feeling overwhelmed by the chaos of life? Swamped by the emotions around you? Struggling with self-doubt or midlife changes? Our HSP group coaching is here to offer new strategies to calm your mind, find your joy, and confidently take on whatever comes your way.

This program is perfect for you if:

Why? Because it’ll help you:

What will this HSP approach help you achieve?

Imagine a place where being super sensitive is actually super cool. That’s what our coaching program is all about. We keep it close-knit with just 8 spots so everyone gets the attention they deserve. Together, we’ll tap into your sensitivities, unwrap their powers, and learn how to walk through the world feeling stronger and more secure.

Here’s a snapshot of what we'll cover together:

Week 1

Love Your Sensitivity

Imagine a place where being super sensitive is actually super cool. That’s what our coaching program is all about. We keep it close-knit with just 8 spots so everyone gets the attention they deserve. Together, we’ll tap into your sensitivities, unwrap their powers, and learn how to walk through the world feeling stronger and more secure.

Week 2-3

Connect Mind & Body

Over the next two weeks, we’ll focus on harmonizing your emotional and physical well-being. Through mindfulness exercises and body-awareness practices, you’ll learn to interpret and trust the signals your body sends you. This foundation helps you manage stress and cultivate peace within the whirlwind of daily life.

Week 4-5

Improve Body Image

It’s time to transform how you interact with food and view your body. We’ll discover the principles of intuitive eating and body positivity to create a loving and forgiving relationship with whatever is on your plate. Learn to listen to your body’s needs and respond without guilt or judgment.

Week 6-7

Amplify Self-Worth

These weeks are dedicated to improving your self-esteem through practical strategies that challenge negative beliefs. We’ll practice setting healthy boundaries and celebrating your achievements, both big and small. You’ll finish these sessions feeling more valued and capable of asserting your worth in any situation.

Week 8-9

Handle Change Better

Change is a constant, and for HSPs it can be particularly destabilizing, but it doesn’t have to lead to anxiety. These sessions equip you with the tools to manage life’s inevitable transitions with confidence and grace. Learn to see change as an opportunity for growth and self-discovery.

Week 10

Set Clear Boundaries

Healthy boundaries are essential for HSPs, but it can be hard to say “no” sometimes. This module focuses on improving your communication with clarity and assurance, so you can advocate for yourself effectively. We’ll also tackle how to handle and resolve conflicts peacefully and productively.

Week 11

Pursue Your Passions

What brings you joy? How do you want to spend your time? This session is all about identifying what you love doing and finding ways to incorporate more of those activities into your daily life. Rediscover old interests and explore new passions that align with your sensitivities and enrich your life.

Week 12

Build a Support Group

In our final week, we focus on building a network of support. You’ll learn how to connect with like-minded individuals who appreciate and share your sensitive nature. This community will become a source of strength and encouragement as you continue your journey beyond the program.

A little bit about me

The Yale-trained HSP psychologist guiding your journey

Like many of you, I’ve felt the sting of being told I’m too much. I’ve dodged social gatherings, hidden in the quiet corners of noisy events, and struggled with body image and diet culture. Yet, I’ve turned what many see as vulnerabilities into the very tools that empower me and can empower you. With almost 30 years of clinical practice, I’ve used my personal insights and professional expertise to help others overcome the challenges of high sensitivity.

My credentials

I’m sure you have questions

I’ll do my best to answer them!

Whether you’re curious about the HSP coaching program details, the commitment, or anything else, check out our FAQ section. Not finding what you need? Please reach out directly.
Don’t stress it! Every session is recorded and uploaded, so you can catch up whenever it fits into your schedule. This way, you won’t miss out on any of the insights, and you can keep pace with the group.

Feeling things deeply, getting easily overwhelmed by bright lights or loud noises, and having a rich inner life are some key traits of a highly sensitive person. If these sound familiar, this HSP coaching program could be right up your alley, helping you channel these traits in a positive way.

This quiz is not meant to determine whether or not you are highly sensitive . Being highly sensitive is a personality trait. It is  not a diagnosis or disorder. Please speak with an HSP -knowledgeable mental health professional to further assess whether you have this trait. Being highly sensitive can cause emotional and sensory overwhelm,  and distress. The information contained in the quiz is educational and is not a substitute for physical or mental health advice.

Group coaching is like learning in a community — you gain insights not just from me, but from the shared experiences and support of others who really understand what it’s like to be an HSP. While individual therapy digs deep into personal issues in a 1:1 setting, group coaching offers a space to connect with and learn from others like you.And the great news is that group coaching tends to yield results faster than once a week individual therapy does!
That’s totally okay! Sharing is optional, not mandatory. You can absolutely benefit from the sessions by listening and absorbing the information at your own pace. Share if or when you feel comfortable.
We take your privacy seriously. All our sessions are conducted on secure, encrypted platforms that keep your personal information and session details confidential.
We use a mix of evidence-based practices tailored especially for HSPs, including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), mindfulness, and intuitive eating.
Nope! All you need to bring is an open mind and a willingness to explore your sensitivity. Whether you’re well-versed in HSP concepts or new to the idea, you’ll find valuable insights and strategies to help you thrive.
Definitely! It combines personal growth with the support of a community that understands exactly what you’re going through. This dual approach is incredibly powerful in making sustainable changes and not feeling like you’re doing it all alone.

Think of this HSP group coaching program as an investment in your current and future well-being. Not only will you learn to manage your sensitivity and make it a strength, but you’ll also gain lifelong skills and a community that supports you. It’s about enriching your life now and for the future. And THRIVING!

Feel like this is the right HSP program for you? Get in touch!

Join us and start seeing your sensitivity as the incredible gift it is.