Meet Dr. Elayne Daniels

The HSP psychologist here to help you turn your sensitivity into a blessing, not a burden.

Helping Highly Sensitive People live with a sense of ease

Through personalized HSP therapy and my online group coaching program, I provide a supportive, understanding environment where HSPs like you can explore their sensitivity. Together, we’ll tackle everything from emotional overwhelm and setting boundaries to improving self-esteem and finding purpose. With a mix of soothing mindfulness practices and evidence-based psychology methods like CBT, DBT, and Intuitive Eating, you can turn down the noise of the world around you, and get the space and peace you need to grow.

Hi, I’m Dr. Elayne Daniels, an experienced psychologist & fellow HSP

While I earned my psychologist stripes at Yale, my real education in sensitivity started much earlier.

I have vivid memories of feeling the weight of the world on my shoulders, not realizing I was picking up on the emotions of others. I remember the anxiety that came with expressing my emotions, thinking they were “too much” and avoiding certain situations that, looking back, have sensory overload written all over them!

Growing up, my deep sensitivity didn’t just disappear — it actually became more overwhelming, affecting how I regulated my emotions, my self-esteem, and even my relationships. But everything started to make sense when I entered the HSP therapy field and made it my specialization.

I realized that being highly sensitive isn’t something to just cope with — it’s a gift. That’s why over the past 27+ years, I’ve been providing the therapeutic tools, strategies, and support HSPs like us need to reframe sensitivity as their greatest strength so they can live life to the fullest.

My therapy approach for HSPs

Being a Highly Sensitive Person myself makes me more understanding of what you’re going through, but it isn’t what makes me qualified to provide therapy. I’m a licensed psychotherapist, certified Intuitive Eating counselor, and registered yoga teacher with a Ph.D. from Yale University and almost 3 decades of clinical experience.

Here’s a closer look at the therapies I specialize in:

Certified in the Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP)

CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)

CBT is all about connecting the dots between your thoughts, feelings, and actions. It helps us spot the negative patterns and change them into positive ones. It’s like reprogramming your brain for happiness.

ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy)

ACT teaches us to accept our thoughts and feelings without judgment and to focus on what truly matters. It’s about living in the moment and making decisions based on your values, not your fears.

Mindfulness Practices & Yoga

As a certified yoga teacher, I integrate yoga and mindfulness into our work. These practices help reduce anxiety and depression, and they’re tailored to support your mental health journey.

Intuitive Eating

Sensitivity and eating disorders often walk hand in hand. That’s why I focus on both issues from an anti-diet and pro-HAES (Health at Every Size) lens with intuitive eating practices that help you make peace with food again.

DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy)

DBT is great for those who feel emotions very intensely. It gives you tools to manage your emotions and improve your relationships through techniques like mindfulness and distress tolerance.

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing)

Sometimes our past holds us back. EMDR helps us process those deep, stuck memories and reduces the intense emotions that come with them. It’s pretty amazing how quickly it can bring relief.

How to manage anxiety as an HSP: A therapist’s guide

Anxiety and high sensitivity sort of go hand in hand, right? I’m here to help you live with more ease. With the practical tools, tips, and strategies I’ve compiled, you can take control of anxiety and overwhelm as a Highly Sensitive Person.

My commitment to you

Our therapy sessions are a safe space where you can be yourself, explore your feelings, and discuss your thoughts openly.


Hope is powerful, especially when things feel uncertain. Together, we’ll nurture this quality to help you move forward, even on tough days.


You deserve to feel good in your own skin and enjoy life without food rules or body shame. I'm here to help you get there, guiding you back to trusting yourself and your body.


Personal growth is at the heart of everything we do. I’m dedicated to supporting your journey to live fully, helping you grow into the best version of yourself.


I'll always keep it real with you. I practice what I preach, and I believe in what works. Our space is all about genuine healing and growth.

Think you’re too sensitive? Think again.

Let’s channel that sensitivity into something spectacular. Reach out to Dr. Elayne Daniels and start living a life where you’re not just surviving, but thriving.