
Discover resources and expert-guided learning created specifically to help you better understand your eating disorder, body image, and/or how to thrive as a highly sensitive person.

How to stop struggling with an eating disorder and finally heal

Spoiler Alert: Chances are you’re an HSP

A mini e-book designed to help you better understand your eating disorder and help you find healing.

The Ultimate Guide to Sex as an HSP

Don’t let being an HSP stop you from enjoying life. Help your body, mind, and spirit thrive in the bedroom (and outside of it).

If you’ve been struggling to find out how your high sensitivity can affect your sexuality, and how to balance them both so you can enjoy yourself more, this is for you.

This mini-ebook outlines how your sexuality can be affected as an HSP and how to make your sexual experience better. Sex doesn’t have to be boring- it can be fun! You simply need to know how to support your sensitivities and communicate with your partner to help your mind fully focus and partake. 

Why? Because being able to enjoy and fully participate in sex is something that can be an AWESOME experience- and you deserve that!

Read the essay that inspired Italian filmmaker Elena Rossini

“Beauty is the Beast: The Psychological Effects of the Pursuit of the Perfect Body” –
by Elayne Saltzberg (now Daniels) and Joan C. Chrisler

The essay became a chapter in Women A Feminist Perspective 5th Edition by Jo Freeman

The Illusionists

Watch this documentary by Italian filmmaker Elena Rossini as she explores how the media portrays physical beauty. Inspired by Dr Daniels’ work, Ms Rossini wrote and filmed the documentary. It was featured at the Chan School of Public Health at Harvard in 2018.

“We’re in complex bodies, all of us, and we don’t have to be ashamed of our needs.” – Patty Berne

Let’s get started: 3 simple steps



Contact me by phone or email to schedule a consultation and learn how we can work together.



We’ll meet and customize an individual plan to help you move forward.


Immerse in Possibility

Follow the guidance and plan we create together. Start seeing positive changes and celebrate every success.

Feel like this is the right HSP program for you? Get in touch!

Join us and start seeing your sensitivity as the incredible gift it is.