Inspiration From The Olympics: Why Knowing Yourself Is Critical To Successful Personal Development

Every two years the world comes together to watch its best athletes compete. The Olympics overflow with excitement, anticipation, determination, and adrenaline. They also abound with inspiring stories of sacrifice, resilience, and the inextricable but often under-acknowledged ingredient of knowing yourself. Of successful personal development. Winning, as these larger-than-life athletes teach us, exceeds the podium and doesn’t always earn a medal.

The 2024 summer Olympics in Paris have ended. But they have left the world with memories, and the stories and lessons that fueled them.

Three American athletes in particular struck me as ideal representatives of personal development and self-fulfillment through self-awareness. Simone Biles, Stephen Nedoroscik, and Ilona Maher showed the world that success happens only when you know and are true to yourself.

Defining Personal Development

Personal development is a lifelong journey of self-improvement and self-fulfillment. It consists of activities that:

  • develop capabilities and potential
  • build human capital 
  • facilitate employability
  • enhance quality of life and the realization of dreams and aspiration

Put simply, personal development is an active pursuit of self-fulfillment. It involves setting goals, acquiring new skills, and refining existing talents. Pretty much the fundamental playbook for any Olympian.

And personal development has five areas:

  1. mental skills 
  2. emotional skills
  3. social skills
  4. spiritual skills and beliefs
  5. physical development

While the concept of personal development is often associated with individual aspirations, its principles are universal. Seeking growth in any of the above areas leads to improvement both individually and societally. (In the case of athletes, it also makes them better team members.)

What It Means To Know Yourself

Knowing yourself is really just another way of saying you are self-aware. And self-awareness, research has shown, is the greatest predictor of success.

Think of all the components that contribute to creating a world-class athlete: coaches, supportive parents, money, endless training and competition.

Now imagine having access to all that but having no clue who you really are and what you really want. How successful do you think you would become if you couldn’t identify your emotions, strengths, weaknesses, and motivations?

To give you an idea of how critical self-awareness is to success as an athlete, consider the following: According to Forbes, Olympic athletes can train for eight to ten years before making it to the Olympics. And they plan out their training schedules annually, sometimes up to four years in advance.

Four. Years. In. Advance.

Most of us don’t know what we’re doing for the weekend, let alone the next four years.

Yes, this is laser-focus. But that kind of focus comes from a deep-seated self-knowledge. These athletes know what they want, know what’s expected of them, and know they are cut out for the task. And they didn’t get that way from a pep talk or an autographed poster of their Olympic heroes.

They also don’t let outside voices control their inside voice. Not easy to do when you’re always in the limelight.

Three Olympic Athletes Who Champion the Importance of Self-Awareness in Personal Development

I mentioned three 2024 American Olympic athletes who I believe demonstrate the importance of knowing yourself if you want to be successful. Let’s take a look at them individually.

Simone Biles: The GOAT

The world has never seen anything like her. Simone Biles, all 4’8” of her, is the most decorated American gymnast of all time. She even has five gymnastics skills named after her and seems determined to invent more.

But in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics (held in 2021 due to COVID), Simone stunned the world for another reason.

While vaulting during the team competition, she realized she was “fighting demons” in the form of the “twisties.” 

For those of us who can’t even do a cartwheel, the twisties are essentially a mind-body disconnect. And not only can they obliterate the laser-focus of a gymnast, they can be dangerous.

In an interview about the experience, Simone said her first thought after finishing her vault wasn’t “thank God I’m OK.” It was “What is everyone saying on Twitter right now? Will I even be allowed back in America?”

And yet, by the time she reached her coach, she had made the decision to pull out of the meet. It was a decision she could make decisively and confidently because she had such alignment between her values and behaviors.

As the veteran on the team, she had to convince her teammates that they could still succeed without her. And then she became their biggest cheerleader.

As you might expect,  armchair quarterbacks’ opintions ran the gamut. Some went so far as to call her a “quitter.” The GOAT, who was already an Olympic gold medalist and who had devoted her life (24/7/365) to gymnastics…a “quitter”? Consider the source….

But the more discerning, compassionate audience applauded her for taking care of herself and opening up important conversations. Conversations about health (mental health, specifically), self-care, and sport/life balance.

Over the next three years, Simone had to reexamine and reevaluate everything. When she told her coaches she wanted to go to the Paris Olympics, they reeled her in. They wanted her to focus on her mind-game first.

The fact that Simone and her teammates went to the Paris games and blew the world away is almost secondary. Their self-named “Redemption Tour” put Simone back into the good graces of her judges-in-recliners. Three golds and a silver, and that was just her personal medal haul.

But what will always resonate with me, especially as a therapist who helps patients with personal development, was her inner grit. What she accomplished on the vault, beam, bars, and floor was nothing compared to what she accomplished in her mind and heart.

If you were fortunate to watch her in the Paris games, you no doubt saw a more mature, confident, happy Biles.

That doesn’t just happen, even with six hours/day in the gym.

That comes from knowing oneself – strengths, weaknesses, needs, wants, dreams – and applying that knowledge to self-improvement.

Simone Biles is “Know Thyself” personified.

She knows herself so well that she was able to perceive a problem before it became a disaster. And her years of mental, emotional, and physical conditioning enabled her to make a split-second decision for the good of everyone.

How is it possible that one person can be the GOAT in so many things?

Stephen Nedoroscik: The Pommel Horse Guy

Clark Kent, step aside; there’s a new Superman in town. 

Viewers of the 2024 Paris Olympics reveled in the humility and unabashed joy of breakout gymnast star Stephen Nedoroscik.

This Penn State grad and Rubik’s Cube pro (nine seconds, boom, done), is now the poster-gymnast for…pommel horse.

Just. Pommel .Horse.

That’s because Stephen is what is known in gymnastics as a “specialist.” (Who knew gymnastics had those?) He made the US Olympics team for one purpose: to propel his team to a medal with one skill.

Yep. Pommel horse.

In case you missed it, the US men hadn’t medaled as a team since 2008. And, near the end of the 2024 team competition, their drought wasn’t looking to get any rain.

Until…the bespectacled, self-described nerd, who sat quietly by himself in a meditative, preparatory trance, introduced himself to the Olympic world.

Stephen removed his glasses (he has strabismus and corobama) and approached the apparatus that is a bane to other gymnasts. An apparatus that he navigates primarily by feel, not vision.

He was included on the US gymnastics team for this one event, this one moment. While his teammates were performing six skills, Stephen would perform only one. The apparatus they dread is the one he loves and has always loved.

So much so that he has been the US and World pommel horse champion multiple times.

And Nedoroscik knew going into the games that he would be criticized for taking a spot on the team with only one skill. He knew that and was prepared to deal with it.

Because he knew himself and knew what he was – and wasn’t – capable of.

So, one performance remaining. One chance to bump the US men into medal position.

And Stephen Nedoroscik, “The Pommel Horse Guy,” nailed it.

Not only did the team win bronze, but Stephen went on to win bronze in the individual pommel horse competition.

All because his self-awareness taught him what he loves, where he excels, and where his efforts are best devoted.

Asked what he loves most about gymnastics, Nedoroscik said, “Seeing hard work pay off.”

Asked what his gymnastics goals are, he answered, “To reach my full potential.”

Textbook self-awareness, focus, and team spirit.

Right now he’s just enjoying being an American hero. (And still…a Rubik’s Cube pro.)

Ilona Maher: The Body-Positive Rugby Player

I have to admit, my favorite breakout star of the 2024 Paris Olympics is Rugby player and influencer Ilona Maher.

With 1.1 million TikTok followers and 591,000 Instagram followers, Maher doesn’t consider herself an influencer. “No, no, no! I’m an athlete who happens to create content online.”

Monikers aside, this muscular powerhouse with the radiant smile is as authentic as they come. 

And there’s good reason for her following: Her transparency and humor are helping others see their own bodies with acceptance and appreciation. If anyone were to doubt she’s the real deal (Like, why?), they would have only to read the story of Georgia Sullivan. Maher is her idol, and for more reasons than her performance on the rugby pitch.

At 9-years-old, Georgia was lamenting her weight and shape and reached out to Maher with a personal letter. Not only did Maher write back to her, but she went to meet the young fan. 

And she has visited Georgia’s rugby team to talk to the girls…about rugby, yes, but mostly about body positivity and self-love.

In a world that is so driven by Diet Culture, it’s refreshing to have a strong, accomplished woman speaking truth to youth. Now there are thousands of Ilona Maher wannabes wearing her Beast Beauty Brains slogan as a badge of honor.

“You’ve got to post and be yourself. It’s hard. It’s hard to be yourself online, opening yourself up and people judging you,” said Maher.

And this self-aware, self-loving, never-say-diet icon will lay cellulite on the line to prove it. “I run and lift weights all the time, but it doesn’t change.” And no matter, because she’s too busy being grateful for what her body does for her.

She knows herself. She knows what she can do. And she is filling the airwaves with the good stuff that makes the world a better, healthier, happier place.

Oh, and she and her team plowed through their Olympic competition to win a bronze medal.

Now that’s golden!

Sticking the Landing: Why Knowing Yourself Is Critical to Success

I can’t think of any event or venue richer in inspiration for personal development and success than the Olympics. Every athlete, it seems, comes with a story of destiny tested by his or her own determination to reach it.

Even Celine Dion’s comeback performance of Hymne A L’Amour at the opening ceremonies was a definitive statement of self-awareness in action. 

To watch perfection in motion, as we do for two weeks during the Olympics, is to watch personal alignment. Alignment of thought, emotion, speech, behavior, values, choices, and skill in the name of a guiding aspiration.

What we can learn from these amazing athletes goes far deeper than athletic skill or love of sport. 

It goes to the very heart of what each of us is called to be…and can be.

The Path to Personal Development with Olympians Stephen Nedoroscik and Ilona Maher

Defining Personal Development

Personal development is a lifelong journey of self-improvement and self-fulfillment. It involves setting goals, acquiring new skills, and refining existing talents. While this concept is often associated with individual aspirations, its principles are universal—including the pursuit of knowledge, emotional intelligence, and physical fitness. The stories of athletes like Nedoroscik and Maher demonstrate how a commitment to personal development drives success in their sports and serves as a model for anyone seeking advancement in their own lives.

The Journey of Stephen Nedoroscik


Stephen Nedoroscik, a talented gymnast from the United States, has always stood out for his incredible athleticism and determination. Initially introduced to gymnastics at a young age, he honed his skills throughout his teenage years, consistently pushing himself to excel. Nedoroscik’s journey to the top of the gymnastics world is marked by dedication, hard work, and an unwavering focus on his goals.

Overcoming Challenges

Every athlete faces challenges, and Nedoroscik is no exception. Throughout his career, he has dealt with injuries, intense competition, and the pressure to perform at the highest level. During the lead-up to the Olympics, he encountered numerous setbacks, including injuries that tested his physical and mental endurance. Rather than succumbing to despair, Nedoroscik embraced resilience, viewing setbacks as opportunities for growth. This mindset not only helped him recover but also strengthened his resolve to achieve his Olympic dreams.

Skills and Discipline

An essential part of Nedoroscik’s success is his remarkable discipline. His training regimen is rigorous, characterized by early mornings, late nights, and relentless practice. He emphasizes the importance of skill development in gymnastics—from mastering complex routines to perfecting every movement. Nedoroscik’s discipline extends beyond physical training; he invests time in mental preparation, visualization, and strategy to enhance his performance. This multifaceted approach to skill-building demonstrates how dedication and discipline are crucial elements of personal growth and success.

Personal Growth and Achievements

Nedoroscik’s hard work culminated in his participation in the Olympics, where he showcased his incredible talent on a global stage. His achievements are a testament to his personal growth throughout his career, both as an athlete and an individual. He reflects on how each challenge has shaped him, emphasizing that the journey itself is just as important as the destination. His story illustrates that true personal development lies not only in reaching goals but also in nurturing resilience and character along the way.

The Journey of Ilona Maher


Ilona Maher, a trailblazer in women’s rugby, embodies the spirit of teamwork and leadership. Hailing from the United States, her journey to Olympic status began with her passion for the sport and an unwavering commitment to improvement. Maher’s rise through the ranks represents not just personal excellence but also the evolution of women’s rugby.

Embracing Teamwork and Leadership

Rugby is inherently a team sport, and Maher’s understanding of teamwork is one of her greatest assets. As a player, she has not only demonstrated her skills on the field but has also embraced roles of leadership, motivating her teammates and fostering a collaborative spirit. She believes that success is magnified when a team unites with a common goal. Maher’s ability to inspire others exemplifies the importance of collaboration in personal development; she understands that greatness is often achieved through collective effort.

Resilience and Adaptability

Like Nedoroscik, Maher has faced her share of challenges, including injuries and the pressures of high-stakes competition. However, her resilience and adaptability have been vital to her success. When faced with setbacks, she evaluates the situation, learns from it, and recalibrates her approach. This flexibility allows her to thrive in a dynamic environment, whether on the rugby field or in life. Maher’s journey underscores that personal development often requires us to be open to change and growth.

Community Impact and Personal Values

Beyond her achievements in rugby, Maher is a passionate advocate for women in sports. She actively works to inspire younger athletes, encouraging them to pursue their dreams while advocating for equality and representation in athletics. Her commitment to community engagement reflects her personal values, emphasizing that true development encompasses uplifting others along the way. Maher’s dedication to inspiring the next generation illustrates how personal growth can have a broader impact beyond oneself.

Key Takeaways from Nedoroscik and Maher’s Journeys

The Importance of Resilience

Both athletes demonstrate the power of resilience. Whether overcoming injuries or the pressure of competition, they teach us that setbacks are not failures but rather opportunities for growth. Embracing this mindset allows us to face adversity with courage, ultimately helping us develop into stronger individuals.

Setting Goals and Taking Action

Nedoroscik and Maher showcase the significance of goal-setting. By clearly defining their aspirations, they create actionable paths toward success. Readers can learn from their examples by establishing personal goals, breaking them down into manageable steps, and consistently pursuing them.

The Role of Mentorship and Community

The support systems surrounding both athletes—coaches, teammates, and mentors—have played a critical role in their development. Building a network of support is essential for anyone seeking personal growth. Finding mentors and surrounding oneself with a positive community can lead to invaluable guidance and encouragement.

Continuous Learning and Adaptation

The journeys of Maher and Nedoroscik emphasize the importance of continuous learning. Both athletes remain committed to developing their skills, staying open to new strategies, and evolving as individuals. This dedication to lifelong learning is a vital component of personal development, enabling us to adapt and thrive in changing circumstances.

Applying These Lessons in Everyday Life

Personal Development for Everyone

The principles demonstrated by Stephen Nedoroscik and Ilona Maher apply to all aspects of life. Their stories remind us that personal development is not limited to athletes; it can be relevant in careers, relationships, and beyond. Readers are encouraged to reflect on their journeys and seek opportunities for growth, irrespective of their fields.

Developing a Personal Action Plan

To embark on a personal development journey, readers can create their own action plans by identifying specific goals, setting timelines, and outlining steps to achieve them. Much like Nedoroscik and Maher, taking actionable steps, regardless of how small, can lead to substantial progress over time.


Stephen Nedoroscik and Ilona Maher exemplify how dedication and commitment to personal development can lead to remarkable achievements. Their stories serve as an inspiration for anyone aiming to become the best version of themselves. By embracing resilience, setting goals, building a supportive community, and pursuing continuous learning, we can all embark on our unique paths to personal growth.

As you navigate your journey, remember that it’s not just about the destination—it’s about the lessons learned and the individuals we become along the way. Take a page from Nedoroscik’s and Maher’s books, and consider what steps you can take today to fuel your own personal development journey. Share your experiences and goals; let’s inspire one another in this beautiful quest of self-improvement.

Dr. Elayne Daniels is an international coach, consultant,  and psychologist specializing in eating disorders, personal growth, and High Sensitivity. She is anti-diet, Intuitive Eating certified. Contact her here for more information.