It’s not just sensitivity.
It’s a


Helping Highly Sensitive People thrive with empowering online group coaching from a certified HSP psychologist.

See sensitivity as a strength

Think your sensitivity is too much? Nope, it’s just right. Let me show you how it’s your secret strength.

Say 'no' with confidence

Let’s get you saying ‘no’ without the guilt, making more room for what truly makes you happy.

Celebrate your body

How about we ditch the body bashing and start appreciating what your body does for you instead?

You’re not too much. You’re not too sensitive.

You’re a Highly Sensitive Person, and that’s what makes you amazing!

You know that feeling of being stretched way too much because you can’t help putting everyone else first? Or the burnout that sneaks up on you because somewhere along the line, “I’ve got this” turned into “I’ve got way too much”? It’s tough, especially when the world’s volume feels cranked up to a hundred, and all you’re looking for is a little quiet, a little space to breathe! Then you have relationships to figure out, body image bringing you down, aging messing with your head and — ugh, the list goes on. It can feel like you’re the only one who’s struggling to keep up, second-guessing every choice, and really feeling out of place, right?

But here’s the thing: you’re not alone in this. Not by a long shot.

Hi there, I’m Dr. Daniels

Yale-trained Psychologist & HSP Expert

That sensitivity you’re carrying around? It’s not just okay — it’s actually pretty amazing! As a fellow HSP, I know what it’s like to feel overwhelmed by the intensity of your own emotions, to juggle the needs of others at the expense of your own, and to seek solitude in a world that never seems to slow down. My journey has taken me from hiding in bathrooms during overwhelming social gatherings to embracing my sensitivity as one of my greatest assets. I’ve spent the last 27+ years gathering not just a bunch of psychology and HSP degrees and certifications (though I’ve got those too!), but also real, lived experience and understanding. And I bring it all to my HSP coaching and therapy work.

Group coaching for Highly Sensitive People From an HSP therapist who really gets it

Through my online group coaching program, I provide expert support, understanding, and practical strategies to help HSPs like you live life to the fullest. This uplifting 12-session group coaching program is your chance to connect with other HSPs, so you can feel less alone and learn to celebrate sensitivity as a gift.

Here’s a quick overview of the 8 modules:

Love Your Sensitivity

Discover the power within your sensitivity, break through societal stereotypes, and learn to see your sensitivity as a strength.

Connect Mind & Body

Explore techniques to tune into your body and nurture self-compassion through mindful practices.

Amplify Self-Worth

Challenge limiting beliefs, set healthy boundaries, and celebrate your achievements for a confident you.

Improve Body Image

Transform how you connect with food, challenge societal norms about body image, and adopt intuitive eating for holistic health.

Handle Change Better

Gain tools to manage midlife changes, create a forward-looking vision, and seize opportunities for growth and change.

Set Clear Boundaries

Confidently set and express boundaries, and strengthen relationships through effective communication.

Pursue Your Passions

Find out what brings you joy, integrate passions into daily life, and create a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

Build a Support Group

Connect with a community of Highly Sensitive People who understand and support you.

Hear from other HSPs

Hear from others who've transformed their sensitivity from a source of struggle to a foundation of strength.

You’re a Highly Sensitive Person, and that’s what makes you amazing!

Let my voice guide you to a tranquil place within, where calmness and clarity melt your worries away. This meditation is a loving embrace for your highly sensitive soul, helping you find stillness in the chaos.

How my HSP group coaching program works

Therapy for HSPs

Each session is crafted around the unique needs of HSPs, focusing on areas like intuitive eating, body image, setting boundaries, and managing anxiety.

HSP Support Group

Being part of a group means you're not alone. You'll meet other HSPs who share your experiences and challenges.

Flexible & Accessible

Sessions are held online and easy to join from anywhere. Plus, they're recorded, so you never have to worry about missing out.

Holistic Approach

I integrate HSP psychology with introspective practices like mindfulness and meditation, offering a holistic path to healing.

Feel like this is the right HSP program for you? Get in touch!

With the right understanding, tools, and community, you’ll discover that being an HSP isn’t just a part of who you are — it’s a key to a rich, fulfilling life.